Power outage refers to the failure of electric supply. There is an unexpected cut-off in the supply of electricity. A power outage may last for several hours to many days. It can affect the community, economy, or life of an individual. You should prepare for a power outage, it is necessary both for your safety and for better survival.
The condition of a power outage can prolong depending upon its causes. It may be due to the storm, hurricanes, or heat waves. Either way, what are its causes it will definitely affect your life and routine. A power outage can block transportation, interrupt communication, or can stop the working of electric stores like ATM.
You can face a power outage in your area in case of any natural disaster. Being already prepared for a power outage will give you a sense of safety. By following simple ways, you can prepare your home for this situation.
In this post, you will learn 5 basic ways to prepare for a power outage. Let’s dive right in:
Must Have Emergency Kit for Power Outage
Having an emergency kit is a basic step to prepare your house for a power outage. Your kit must consist of an emergency supply to ensure your safety for at least 3 days. An emergency kit can include your documents, first aid kit, medical prescription, extra batteries, and other things that you will need.
Keep the emergency kit in a safe place that everyone can have easy access to it. You can place the emergency kit on the main site of the home. So that it will be easy to remember and view in case of need. Ensure that every member of the home knows the location of an emergency kit. Make your kit in a portable bag to carry it anywhere.
Ensure the Availability of Home Generator
Home generators will provide the backup of electricity to run the necessary electrical types of equipment like stoke, refrigerator, and lights. You need to connect the generator with the house electric system, not with the wall outlet. Connecting to a wall outlet can pose a threat to the life of a worker trying to restore the power supply.
You can buy a portable generator or any kind of generator depending on your choice. Try to keep the generator in a ventilated place. It will allow the exhaust gases to move out of the house. Prepare for a power outage by the availability of a generator at your home.
Have a Non-Electric Standby Heater or Stove
After the power outage, the main difficulty you are going to face is the cooking of food. Having an electric stove will interrupt your cooking procedure during a power outage. Installing a non-electric standby heater or stove will resolve this problem. Choose the heater or stove that is electricity independent.
You can also warm your canned food during the outage. One good substitute is to install a solar storage system. It will store the additional electricity produced from solar energy in the battery. During a power outage, your house will easily go on this electricity for some time.
Keep Flashlight or Battery Supply in the House
Whenever the light is off either in normal routine or during a power outage- the first thing you will call out is a flashlight. The flashlight is a great source of providing enough light to do some household work, even cooking. Additionally, it provides a sense of safety.
A battery-powered or LED flashlight will be a good option to prepare for a power outage. Don’t forget to keep extra batteries in the kit. These batteries will also go a long to provide a possible source of light or running some equipments. It is interesting to know that a car charger can charge your mobile phone. Therefore, keeping extra batteries will be a good substitute to charge the devices.
Have a Supply of Non-Perishable Food and Water
If the power outage is due to the disaster, on-one knows how long it will extend. Maybe it can prolong to months in severe cases. In such a condition, food and water supply are the basic requirements to survive.
For water purification, you can keep purification tablets. Because the filtration system will be unable to perform its function. Storing one gallon per person will be enough to accomplish the needs of water for cooking and drinking.
Store some stock of non-perishable food in your house. A wide variety of such types of foods is available in the market like canned food, dried food, or energy bar. Another benefit of this food is that it will not spoil soon. Avoid opening the refrigerators again and again during a power failure.
When you are preparing your home for a power outage, a food thermometer will keep your food safe for some time.
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That’s all for my guide on how to prepare your home for a power outage.
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